DIY Footbath for Winter Comfort and Cozy
Dec 27, 2024
As we navigate the depth of winter - including cold and rainy weather - I frequently “prescribe” DIY footbaths to my patients. Both because they are a great winter self-care practice, and because I feel the urge myself!
A footbath offers many of the same health benefits as a full Epsom salt bath - stress relief, pain relief, grounding, detoxifying - but takes much less time (and water) and doesn’t require a bathtub.
Equipment needed:
Basin - see below for ideas.
Epsom salts - from your local pharmacy or natural food store.
Optional: essential oils, a comfy blanket, and a cup of tea!
For your foot basin: you want something that is wide enough for both feet to fit in comfortably and allows water up to your ankles, at least. You may already have a washtub or dishtub that will work. If not, head to your nearest pet store and pursue the kitty litter trays. These make great footbaths (only new, of course!). Or, spring for something like this which is specifically designed for footbaths and folds up to tuck out of the way when not in use.
How to do your DIY Footbath:
Fill your tub with wonderfully hot but not too hot water.
Tip: rather than fill the tub at the sink and try to carry it to your couch without sloshing, instead boil a kettle or two of hot water, fill the tub with that, and then use cold water to finish filling the tub, bringing the water to the right temperature - nicely warm but not too hot.
Add two big handfuls of Epsom salts and stir to dissolve.
Get comfortable on your couch or armchair, drape a blanket over your shoulders, and put your feet in the warm water. Ahhhhh……
For extra luxury, add 2-3 drops of essential oils along with the salts. Lavender is calming, eucalyptus is great for your lungs, and rosemary is good for soreness. Use whatever appeals to your senses.
For even more therapeutic benefit, get a bag of old-fashioned marbles, which might involve going to one of the few remaining old-fashioned toy stores, which is a fun adventure in itself. Add them to the bottom of your footbath basin and roll your feet over them while bathing. DIY foot acupressure!
Home footbaths have hit all my requirements for self-care: easy, effective, and low-cost.
Slow down, take a break, and indulge.