Fly into the world of Wild Goose Qigong

Da Yuan Qigong, or Wild Goose Qigong, is a timeless practice found amidst the challenges of modern living. Discover its easy to learn secrets of serenity, balance, and flexibility.

No need for fancy gear or a specific setting - Qigong can be done anywhere, anytime. Choose your backyard or the comfort of your home via Zoom, andwe are again offering in-person classes as well!

Interested in a preview? Sign up for our "Taste of Qigong Sampler."

See Class Schedule
A beautiful Wild Goose Qigong pose done with arms outstretched mimicking flight.

What people are saying...

"Thank you so much for providing this online learning opportunity. Qigong is now part of my daily routine and I'm grateful for this. I practiced Qigong before, but "randomly" (mostly the 8 brocades and other random movements), but I've been thoroughly enjoying learning the two sets of Dayan Qigong, in the end it's like learning a graceful dance. I also love to learn the benefits of the different movements, points etc."


I learned... "To start listening better to my body, especially in the context of what works/feels best for the small differences in sequence for moves with multiple leg and arm movements..."


"Thank you for helping me become healthy and aligned on such a whole way. "


"This is hard! But very much worth minute of “practice, practice, practice” and our instructors amazing guidance. And yes, it will get easier!"


Benefits or changes that I noticed... "Sleep quality! And sleep, period! Menopausal sleeplessness has been driving me crazy for a couple of years now. Qigong is the only thing that has helped me sleep. I could cry."



The Details

  • Our courses are taught in 9-week sessions (not drop-in).
  • New sessions start in Jan, April, July, and Oct.
  • Choose between ZOOM and In Person.
  • No experience is needed!
  • All students can access Zoom replays to make up missed classes and our Library of Practice Videos
  • Sign up for our "Taste of Qigong Sampler" for a complimentary preview into our online classes.

NOTE: Our in-person classes occur at Danspace, about 5 minutes from Energy Matters.


About the Teachers

Photo of Sue Boyle, white woman with short curly strawberry blond hair and a big smile

Sue Boyle

Instructor - 1st Set, Adaptive 1st Set

Was I ever surprised when a friend showed me the Wild Goose Qigong she was learning. I immediately thought of the Canada geese that I often watched after stressful days at work. I could hardly believe how connected with the movements I felt as I watched my friend. I had no idea that a wild goose was within me and it would soon be my guide to opening energy pathways and better health, balance and flexibility.

My daily qigong practice and the intensive teacher training at the Wen Wu School has given me an opportunity to deepen my understanding of body mechanics, something in which I’m especially interested. Qigong has become the central element in my personal wellness program. My practice helped me heal from hip replacement surgery and two intricate hand surgeries. I am more flexible than ever, I sleep better, and enjoy lots of energy. It’s a great joy to watch my students at Energy Matters and Piedmont Gardens experience mind and body transformations as they learn Wild Goose Qigong.

Photo of Gail Whang, Korean woman with salt and pepper pixie cut and a big smile

Gail Whang

Instructor - 1st Set & 2nd Set

I love teaching. I worked as an educator for 30 years and retired from the Oakland Unified School District in 2007. Qigong was the first commitment I made upon retirement. Little did I know how this commitment would impact me. Before retirement I was an intense super­planner, demanding colleague and 24/7 multitasking workaholic. Qigong helped me slow down and gracefully ease into retirement. After practicing for 7 years, I embarked upon a year long teacher training program at Wen Wu School where I received my teaching certification to teach Dayan Qigong.

Physically, I feel healthy and strong. I am more flexible than any time in my life. Qigong has also given me the confidence to self-­heal my various aches and pains without relying on drugs and doctors. Several years ago, I experienced sharp pains in both knees which, through this gentle practice, have healed. I am learning balance in my life and in my everyday activities. Learning to be more mindful and present is still an ongoing challenge for me, but through Qigong, I now have tools.

I am becoming more accepting toward things that used to bother me and cause me grief. I have learned about the power of energy. I find myself focusing on positive energy and consequently generating positive energy.

Photo of Kirstin Lindquist, white woman with short dark blond and striking blue eyes

Kirstin Lindquist

Owner, Practitioner, and Qigong Instructor - 1st Set & Intermediate

I wear a lot of “hats”: business owner, manager, acupuncturist, teacher, and more. I am fortunate that I enjoy wearing them all! But bar none, my favorite time of the week is when I get to teach qigong. Why? Because in teaching qigong, I am sharing with you the heart of Chinese Medicine. No needles involved, no going to graduate school for years on end—just pure Chinese Medicine, embedded in the simple but powerful movements of qigong that once you learn you can benefit from for the rest of your life.

With over 30 years of studying and practicing Chinese medicine and over 20 years of studying, practicing, and teaching Wild Goose Qigong, making the invisible world of energy medicine accessible to everyone is my life’s work. I created Energy Matters in 2010 to carry out this mission. Because energy does matter.

“What is essential is invisible to the eye.”
~Antoine Saint de Exupery, The Little Prince

Photo of Maureen Berndt white woman with short curly white hair and soft blue eyes

Maureen Berndt

Instructor - Intermediate

Since my first class in 1998, I’ve been inspired and supported by the many gifts of Wild Goose qigong, and by my teacher, Master Hui Liu. I credit the practice for sustaining me through change and challenge, and am appreciative of an ever­increasing sense of wellbeing.

I’ve studied, practiced and taught the Asian healing arts for more than 20 years, and value the wisdom of these ancient traditions, and the power of the teachings. Qigong is the foundation of my self­care practice. It guides me into the day feeling balanced and centered, and calms me at night. As I move through the graceful, dance­like movements of the form, I imagine that like the wild goose I too can fly, and am at home in all the elements—land, water and air.

One of my passions is to share the gift of qigong, and witness its transformational power. Since I became a certified teacher in 2002, I’ve taught classes at Kaiser Permanente, Alta Bates/Summit Medical Center, The McKinnon Massage School and Novonordisk Corporation.

While it is important to learn the correct sequence of the 64­movement form, I also emphasize the cultivation of mindfulness, good body mechanics, posture, and alignment, to ensure fluid, safe and comfortable movement. I also consult with organizations and individuals to develop and implement wellness and stress management programs.

I have a private Jin Shin Jyutsu Acupressure practice, where clients come to experience healing, relaxation, stress reduction, well being and a deeper connection to all aspects of the self.


Sign up for the "Taste of Qigong Sampler"

Curious about our classes? Take a complimentary sneak peek.

Try out a recorded warm-up class with each of our highly skilled instructors.

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4341 Piedmont Avenue, Ste 202
Oakland, CA 94611

p: 510-597-9923
e: [email protected]