Easy Cold and Flu Busting Broth
Mar 26, 2024
Is everyone you know coming down with a variety of viruses this spring? We noticed too! Your practitioner can recommend herbal combinations suitable for you to keep in your medicine chest, but your kitchen can offer a speedy treatment that’s effective and tasty.
At the first sign of an upper respiratory virus (sore or scratchy throat, headache or neck/shoulder ache, feeling chilled or sweaty, or generally ‘run down’ and like you’re fighting something), make this traditional remedy.
2 cups chicken or beef bone broth
1-2 inch knob of fresh ginger root (fine to leave the skin on if it’s organic)
2-3 green onions
Slice the ginger root and the green onions (include the tiny rootlets at the bottom of the onion bulb, just wash first) and combine on the stove with broth. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat, letting it simmer for about 10 minutes. Cool the broth slightly, straining out the herbs if you wish. Drink it up and go to bed, bundling up under the covers. You will likely break a sweat, and that’s good! You can drink it every few hours in the early stages of a cold. If you want something more substantial, you can add poached chicken meat, well cooked rice and a little sesame or olive oil. The proportions in the recipe aren’t precise, so don’t worry if you have a little more or less of any of the ingredients.
While you’re making your herbal broth, make a telemedicine appointment! Our pharmacy at Energy Matters is stocked with potent remedies for colds, flus and other viral illnesses that can improve symptoms and shorten the duration of sickness for many people.
Be well!
Kirsten Cowan L.Ac,
Clinic Manager
PS Looking immune boosting tips and recipes to keep from getting sick in the first place? Read my article about the care and feeding of your microbiome for immune health, and check out our 21 Days to Better Health program, which includes tons of gut-loving, immune supporting recipes.