Sync with Spring
Mar 19, 2024
The Spring Equinox - March 21st - marks the height of Spring energy: new beginnings, renewal, increasing vigor and vitality. The trees are resplendent with their beautiful flowers and new leaves, bulbs and other plants are blooming, birds are more active, and the days are getting longer (despite the darker mornings due to the silly time change last week).
Stating the obvious: Spring feels different than winter. And even though you likely spend 95% of your time indoors, you still feel the changes.
It makes sense that doing things to increase your alignment with what is happening in the natural world around you will make you feel better.
Move more: Just as the birds, bees, and other animals are more active with the arrival of Spring, your body also craves being more active. Get moving in whatever ways you enjoy and make sense for your body. If you have been sedentary through the winter, start gradually.
Eat greens: Greens are the food associated with Spring. You could eat a different green every day for a month and still not have tried them all: arugula, spinach, bok choy, so many different kinds of lettuce, kale, chard, mustard, sorrel - the list goes on and on. Greens are super-foods, nutrient-dense, and full of life-force vitality energy. Bonus “points” for eating wild greens, such as dandelions, miner’s lettuce and purslane. Of course, use common sense and only eat plants you know, but many easily identifiable greens grow wild.
See green: Color is vibration, and green is the color associated with Spring. When you are out walking, looking out your window, or communing with your houseplants, take a few moments to “drink in” the color green visually. So many different shades of green, each with its unique vibration.
Be outside: whether you walk, run, or bike outside, or you sit on your front porch or steps, take time to be outside. This is always therapeutic, but during the Spring it is particularly potent for helping your body slipstream into the potent flows of this season.
Sync your body with the vibration of the season,
Kirstin Lindquist
PS Our 21 Days to Better Health Program is another great way to sync with Spring. Find out more here!