Plump and Dewy 1 minute to better health by kirsten cowan skincare Aug 29, 2023

One of my favorite photos is of a small tin container found in an ancient Roman site in London - dating from over 2,000 years ago, the tin contains...

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Micro Declutter for Better Health 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Aug 15, 2023

An important truth about clutter:

You get to decide what is clutter and what is comfort. It doesn't matter what other folks think. 


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Wisdom from our Clinicians: Top Tips for GERD 1 minute to better health by kirsten cowan Aug 15, 2023

If you experience heartburn or acid reflux or have been diagnosed with GERD (read Soothing the Burn), you’ve probably heard most of the...

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My Personal Re-hydration Challenge 1 minute to better health Aug 08, 2023

Becoming present with my water intake improved my day-to-day feeling of wellbeing. At the beginning of the year, I couldn’t deny it. I was...

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Take the 21 Day Hydration Challenge! 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Aug 01, 2023

When I ask my acupuncture patients about their hydration habits, nine out of ten people say “I don’t drink enough water” with a...

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Screening the Dangers of Sun Exposure 1 minute to better health by kirsten cowan Jul 18, 2023

The sunny days of summer can bring us so much joy and well-being; time in nature, the mood and health boost of sunlight and Vitamin D, regulating...

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Summer Travel Tips, Part II 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jul 14, 2023

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about what you can do before your vacation starts to maximize your enjoyment while on vacation.

Today, some tips for...

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Summer Travel Tips, Part 1 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jul 11, 2023

Summer is fully here, and with it can come a sense of wanderlust, a desire to travel. Whether your ventures take you locally or internationally,...

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An Offering for a Calm 4th of July 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jul 04, 2023

Holidays can be fun….and they can also be stressful. From family dynamics to social anxiety or isolation, holidays can pose their own...

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Refresh + Repair: Seasonal Skin Care for Summer 1 minute to better health by kirsten cowan Jun 20, 2023

The long days of summer sun are arriving; even if we’re still in the ‘June Gloom’ here in the Bay Area! As the days get warmer...

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The Wonders of Dry Skin Brushing 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jun 13, 2023

One of my all-time favorite self-care techniques is dry skin brushing. It’s super simple to do, the benefits are myriad, and it feels great....

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