ONE THING plus Deep Sea Diving Update by kirstin lindquist kirstin personal blog Jul 24, 2024

Wow – lots of interest in my proposed “deep sea diving” expedition/extended course on Practical Intuition (click here if you...

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Deep Sea Diving by kirstin lindquist kirstin personal blog Jul 22, 2024

Over the past year, I’ve offered several short courses on the art of personal energy management and practical intuition: Rooted Resilience,...

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Look Up by kirstin lindquist kirstin personal blog Jul 01, 2024

Last week my partner and I spent an evening walking our dogs on Piedmont Avenue. We walked from Energy Matters to MacArthur Ave and back up,...

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"This cleanse feels different!" 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Jun 28, 2024

Repeat 21 day participants often tell us "This cleanse feels different than the last one." Easier, harder, more energy, less energy, less hungry,...

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Summer Solstice by kirstin lindquist kirstin personal blog Jun 21, 2024

Happy Summer Solstice!

Today is the longest day of the year. We are at the top of the arc of Yang energy for the year.

Despite what your calendar...

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Wonder Woman by kirstin lindquist kirstin personal blog Jun 19, 2024

A few weeks ago I wrote about the benefits of the Starfish posture. I received lots of responses, so I thought I’d share another power...

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Getting high this summer? 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jun 18, 2024


During summer (and winter) travel, whether for pleasure or work, you may be choosing to visit high-altitude locations. This means your body...

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Boredom by kirstin lindquist kirstin personal blog Jun 15, 2024

Boredom gets a bad rap. And nowadays the “instant dopamine delivery system” we carry around 24/7 means we never have to be bored.


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Starfish by kirstin lindquist kirstin personal blog Jun 13, 2024

Are you feeling “strong on the inside” today? Grounded, centered, and confident in your abilities to handle what life presents? If so...

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“Should I take probiotics while taking antibiotics?” 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist May 28, 2024

Sometimes taking antibiotics is necessary, even life-saving. But, as the name suggests - “anti” + “bio (life)” these drugs...

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Free and Easy Wanderer by kirstin lindquist kirstin personal blog May 24, 2024

In our acupuncture clinic, I frequently prescribe herbs and whole-food supplements. But sometimes I find I only need to prescribe the name of the...

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Nice Letters by kirstin lindquist kirstin personal blog May 24, 2024

A few days ago I received a very nice “letter” (aka email) from a reader, complimenting me in several ways. First I practiced...

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Oakland, CA 94611

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