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Showing 6 Results:

Aligning Your Aspirations

It’s still early in 2023, after we’ve celebrated and marked both the Solar and Lunar New Years. Have you taken these opportunities to reflect on your aspirations? Aspirations are not resolutions. Reflecting on our aspirations is a process of recalibrating our inner compass - turning inward and e...

Don't Resolve. Instead, Create.

Welcome to 2023! With the turn of the calendar year, you may find your thoughts turning toward New Year's resolutions. In my experience, resolutions usually arise from frustration and discontent. Fair enough - the desire to improve one’s life and to improve oneself is part of being human. But, ...

Resolve to be kind…. to yourself

It’s the eve of a new year. 2021 was…something. It’s hard to think of a few words to describe it, but we can probably all agree it wasn’t the easiest year (yes, that is an understatement). Two years into pandemic living may find you tired, despairing, frustrated, bored and more. And profoundly aw...

New Year's Resolutions…?

Do you know the phrase "that which you resist, persists"?Well, it's true. So if you make New Year’s resolutions from the frame of mind that you are going to change all the things that are wrong with you, guess what? You are resisting - yourself! So, it’s no wonder that resolutions can fail. It's ...

Getting SMART About Your New Year's Resolutions

Here we are again - New Year’s resolutions time. What did you resolve last year? How did those resolutions work out for you? If you are like most people, you probably don’t even remember what you resolved, let alone can say “yes, I made those changes and stuck to them!”Is this because we can’t ch...

Why Resolutions Don't Work

It’s that time of year: “I will exercise more.” “I will lose weight.” “I will meditate every day.” All well and good, but the fact is that you will most likely fail at keeping your resolutions, because resolutions don’t work!If you wanted to learn a new language, would you expect yourself to not ...