"This cleanse feels different!" 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Jun 28, 2024

Repeat 21 day participants often tell us "This cleanse feels different than the last one." Easier, harder, more energy, less energy, less hungry,...

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Back to Basics: “These recipes are good!” 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Apr 19, 2024

RECIPE: Radish & Lentil Salad

During last week’s Kitchen Wisdom talk, I asked a new participant how they liked the food during the...

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How I came to love radishes 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Mar 01, 2024

This Week's Recipe: Sauteed Radishes with Radish Greens

Growing up there was often a bowl in the fridge with radishes floating in water. I...

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Change Camps 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Jan 12, 2024

RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Red Curry Kuri Squash Soup

Over the years of supporting participants through the 21 Day Program, I have observed that there...

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Put Your Fork Down 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Nov 10, 2023

RECIPE of the Week: Pan-fried Steak

"Do you ever eat in a rush, or while distracted or multitasking?” For most people, the answer is...

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The Goodness of Garlic 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Sep 29, 2023

RECIPE: Garlic Lemon Butter

“Garlic is divine. Few food items can taste so many distinct ways, handled correctly. Misuse of garlic is a...

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Attack of the Squash People! 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Sep 15, 2023


It is that time of year - home gardens and farmers markets are replete with summer squash. Anyone who has grown zucchini knows the...

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Hydrate with Foods 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Jul 28, 2023

RECIPE: Summer Super Hydration Shake

Summer is in full blast - bringing blistering heat in many parts of the US. Regardless of where you live...

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21 Days, Everyday: The Dirty Dozen & the Clean Fifteen™ 21 day blog recipe Jul 01, 2023

Recipe of the week: Coconut Whipped Cream

If you’ve read our most recent 1 Minute to Better Health post on EWG’s The Dirty Dozen &...

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Seeds! 21 day blog recipe Feb 24, 2023

RECIPE: Seeded Crackers

When we launched the 21 Days to Better Health Program over a decade ago, seeds were not included in the allowed foods. A...

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Start Your Day with Lemon 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Feb 09, 2023

RECIPE: Persian Lime Curry Chicken

While on the 21 Days to Better Health Program, we recommend a cup of hot water with a squeeze of lemon to start...

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The Power of Planning Ahead 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist recipe Jan 27, 2023

RECIPE: Creamy Cauliflower Soup

it’s the basics that can be game-changing creating more ease and flow in life. Case in point: about a...

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