The Fall Equinox is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time for our annual Fall Cleanse.
If you’ve been feeling the pull...
For the past couple of years, I have been “beta testing” a 10 day version of our 21 Days To Better Health Program with some of our...
Repeat 21 day participants often tell us "This cleanse feels different than the last one." Easier, harder, more energy, less energy, less hungry,...
This week's recipe: Chimichurri-ish
Inflation is impacting us all, and understandably, we're all seeking ways to mitigate the rising costs of...
RECIPE: Radish & Lentil Salad
During last week’s Kitchen Wisdom talk, I asked a new participant how they liked the food during the...
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Sauteed Dandelion Greens
One of the things that I see repeat 21 Days to Better Health Participants get tripped up on is the...
This week's recipe: Bengali Greens
With the Spring Group coming up (starts April 7th – are you in?!) it seems a good time to revisit some of...
Spring Group Starts 4/7/2024 Spring is in the air, and with it comes the desire to clear out and refresh. I don’t spring clean my home...
This Week's Recipe: Sauteed Radishes with Radish Greens
Growing up there was often a bowl in the fridge with radishes floating in water. I...
Recipe of the week: Carrot top tea
I grew up in the era of “carrot tops are toxic.” I have no idea how this idea came into being, but I...
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Red Curry Kuri Squash Soup
Over the years of supporting participants through the 21 Day Program, I have observed that there...
A few weeks ago, my CSA box introduced me to a new fruit: quince. Somehow I had made it this far in life without ever encountering one.