Not a Cigna Customer? Hereā€™s Info on Filing a Health Insurance Claim Form acupuncture clinic blog Mar 28, 2023

Energy Matters is in network with Cigna and will file claims for you if your Cigna plan covers acupuncture - if this is the case for you, go ahead...

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Living Well with a CPAP 1 minute to better health by kirsten cowan Mar 28, 2023

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an increasingly recognized condition that affects more than a quarter of adults in the United States (source). In...

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Green Tea Primer 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist Mar 24, 2023

I love, love, love green tea. For the record, I also love coffee; the flavor of coffee cannot be matched. However, my body really dislikes coffee...

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Spring Equinox: Time to shift your balance 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Mar 21, 2023

Today is the Spring Equinox. In the northern hemisphere, the length of daylight equals the length of nighttime. A moment of Yin/Yang balance.


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Learning Something New is Good For Your Brain: How about Qigong? upcoming events Mar 16, 2023

The benefits of learning something new are myriad and well-documented; learning something that stimulates both your brain and requires new ways of...

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Allergy Relief with Essential Oils 1 minute to better health by kirsten cowan Mar 14, 2023

Spring is springing, and this year we’re on track for a ‘super bloom’ thanks to all the rain we had this winter - and continue to...

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Coconut Milk! 21 day blog by kirstin lindquist Mar 10, 2023

A few weeks ago, I wrote about our relatively recent decision to add seeds to the 21 Days to Better Health Program - you can read the post in our...

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Beware Daylight Savings Time! 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Mar 07, 2023

This Sunday our cell phones will magically leap ahead by one hour. Sure, we’ll get more daylight at the end of the day, which is great, but...

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ā€˜Tis the Seasonā€¦for Allergies 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Feb 28, 2023

Spring is springing forth in all its glory here in the Bay Area. This means tons of pollen wreaking havoc on allergy sufferers (though our recent...

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Seeds! 21 day blog recipe Feb 24, 2023

RECIPE: Seeded Crackers

When we launched the 21 Days to Better Health Program over a decade ago, seeds were not included in the allowed foods. A...

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Ready to hit ā€œRESETā€? Join our 21-Day Spring Cleanse! 21 day blog upcoming events Feb 21, 2023

Is this you?

"I don't have the energy, stamina, and focus I want."
"Is something I'm eating affecting my joint pain/blood sugar issues/blood...

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Oakland, CA 94611

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