Why Resolutions Don't Work 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jan 05, 2018

It’s that time of year: “I will exercise more.” “I will lose weight.” “I will meditate every day.” All...

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Your Joy Brings Light into the World by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Dec 07, 2017

With everything going on in our world over the past year or so, sometimes feeling like impending apocalypse or armageddon - I find that many people...

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Meditation in Action by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Nov 02, 2017

I often say that mindfulness practice is needed in these difficult times: that it’s not only about inner peace, but peace in the world as...

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Why Meditation is Crucial in Meeting this Moment by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Oct 05, 2017

Meditation is not about separating ourselves
from the suffering around us.
It is about increasing our capacity to be able to meet suffering.

We find...

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